Print results and Exit

The :std/cli/print-exit module helps you write functions that can be invoked either from the Scheme REPL or the Unix CLI, and in either case will print their computation results after their invocation.


(import :std/cli/print-exit)

The facilities are named in a way reminiscent of REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), except that instead of a form being Read and Eval'ed, a function is called or a body is evaluated as in begin, and after the Print part we Exit rather than Loop.



(define value-printer (make-parameter prn))

This parameter will return a function called on each value received by print-exit or print-values (unless there is a single value (void) that isn't printed).

Defaults to prn. You could instead use writeln or displayln.

(print-values . vs) => (void)

Process a list of values vs from a previous computation (as per (call-with-values thunk print-values)), and print each of those values (as applicable) using (value-printer), unless there is a single value that is (void) in which case don't print anything (also don't print anything if provided no values as per (values)).

Any values but (void) and (values) will thus cause the values to be printed, one by one, using (value-printer), similar to how the Scheme REPL works. However, the Scheme REPL would use writeln as its value printer, but the default (value-printer) above is prn which we found to be more useful in this situation.

(print-exit . vs) => [exit]

Process a list of values vs from a previous computation (as per (call-with-values thunk print-exit)), and (1) print those values using print-values, then (2) exit with an according exit code.

Any values but #f and (values) will cause the exit code 0 to be returned, which the Unix shell will interpret as success or true. The values #f and (values) will cause the exit code 1 to be returned, which the Unix shell will interpret as failure or false.

The value (void) will thus indicate a silent success, wherein nothing is printed and success is assumed, as is customary in Scheme. The value (values) meanwhile will thus indicate a silent failure, wherein nothing is printed and failure is assumed, of which however only the first part (nothing printed) is customary in Scheme, whereas the failure assumed is not customary in Scheme (but a false value would be assumed in e.g. CL).


(silent-exit success?) => void-or-values

Takes a boolean success? and returns a multiple values that when passed to print-exit will not be printed, yet will cause return an error code that the Unix shell will interpret as success or true if the boolean is true, and failure or false if the boolean is false.

(void) is the silent true exit returned if success? is true, and (values) is the silent false exit returned if it is false.


(call-print-exit fun) => [exit]

Call a function, print the resulting values (if applicable), and exit with an according exit code, as per print-exit. If an error occurs during execution, exit with an error code as per with-exit-on-error.


(begin-print-exit body ...) => [exit]

Evaluates the body as in an anonymous function called by call-print-exit.

This macro is named in a way reminiscent of REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), except instead of a form being Read and Eval'ed, the body is evaluated like begin, and after the Print part it Exits rather than Loops.